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Reporting to Parents

At Papatoetoe East Primary we believe that it is important for students, staff, and whanau to work collaboratively to support and strengthen learning.   We strive to provide information to parents and whanau about children's learning and plan opportunities for involvement.  This includes events where learning is shared, who we are is celebrated, and our strengths and interests are encouraged and supported.  Through students sharing their strengths and next learning steps our school community openly discusses and encourages learning.  

As part of reporting to parents, we hold Learning Partnership Meetings twice a year. These meetings involve the child, parents and whanau, and their teacher.

Learning Partnership Meeting - Early Term 1

The purpose of this meeting is to get to know students and their whanau.  To share important background information with one another and discuss student and families learning priorities.

Mid-Year Report and Learning Partnership Meeting - Late Term 2

At this meeting, students share their learning journey with their parents and whanau.  A written report, that clearly identifies your child's current progress in Reading, Writing and Mathematics, is provided prior to the Learning Partnership meeting.  This report guides a discussion and ensures clarity of next learning steps and supports parents and whanau to understand how they may help with their learning at home.

End of Year Report

The purpose of this report is to detail student progress in Reading, Writing and Mathematics as well as achievement in all other Curriculum areas including the Key Competencies, Values, and social behaviours.