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Principal's Welcome

Tēnā koutou, Malo ē lelei, Talofa lava, Fakalofa lahi atu, Talofa ni, Kia orana, Ni Hao, Namaste, As-salamu alaikum, Bula vinaka

Ko Te Kohurau tōku maunga 

Ko Kakaunui tōku awa  

Ko Uruaokapuarangi tōku waka

Ko Kati Hateatea tōku hapū

Ko Moeraki tōku marae
Ko Kai Tahu tōku iwi 

Ko Nicola Eley tōku ingoa

Nō Tāmaki Makaurau ahau 


It is an absolute privilege to be the Tumuaki of such an incredible school and community.  

Welcome to
Our Place!   

This is your school.  You belong here.  

This is your space.  You are safe here.  

This is your classroom. You are welcome here.  

This is your workplace.  You can learn here.  

You are unique and special.  You are valued here. 

Papatoetoe East Primary has for a long time been a thriving part of the greater Papatoetoe community. We have a proud history of providing quality education and have a strong commitment to supporting our students to be the best learners, leaders and citizens they can be.  We work hard to deliver a curriculum that shares and celebrates our communities diversity, works in partnership with whānau and supports our tamariki to embrace identity.

I encourage you to explore our website and our Facebook page to learn more about this great school.  The Papatoetoe East team and I welcome the opportunity to meet you and answer any questions you may have. 

Ngā mihi nui,


Nicola Eley