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Term Focus

this term's overarching concept



To support integrated teaching, learning and planning we have a schoolwide overarching concept each term.  All learning areas, within the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC), are taught through these eight overarching concepts.  These concepts have been identified as important to our school and global community and are reviewed regularly through community consultation. 

Within these concepts, possible contexts for learning have been identified from a variety of sources including previous inquiry topics, student voice and Te Aho Arataki Marau mo te Ako i Te Reo Maori.  Whakatauki have been identified through community consultation to encompass the ideals and concepts important to our students and community. 

Key understandings and key questions have been developed to support student inquiry into learning.  Appropriate learning area achievement objectives from NZC have been aligned with each concept, providing learning objectives, identified strengths, needs and interests (NZC pg 44), as well as assisting in ensuring coverage of all Learning Areas.  Learning achievement objectives for Te Reo Maori have been included from Te Aho Arataki Marau mo te Ako i Te Reo Maori.  Curriculum Achievement Objectives are developed into Learning Outcomes at each level that identify specific priorities according to student needs. These are the basis for the development of I can’s, child speak indicators, which support students and teachers to identify current learning and next steps throughout the term and in the culminating assessment task. During planning, consideration is given to particular Key Competencies and Values through TRUMP ensuring explicit links are made to learning needs, context and learning objectives.